Being a native of Wilhelm Tell’s hometown allowed me to prepare myself for championship events, just like Tell did himself. Visit the Tell Museum in Bürglen and experience more about the legendary freedom fighter’s life and achievements.
Wonderfully documented in picture, sound and film. An experience for the entire family….Watch the video
People from all over and of every age come searching for the original site of Wilhelm Tell. In the only Tell Museum worldwide, they will find what they are looking for. Let yourself be inspired by the legendary hero, Wilhelm Tell and immerse yourself in his story.
It is an ongoing duty for people to actively concern themselves with their own history and legends. What better place to do so than the Tell Museum?
On the occasion of the Tell Open-air Theatre’s opening night celebration 30 years ago, it was the acting Landammann at the time who nailed it on the head: It’s not important if Tell lived, but rather that he still truly lives. As long as people strive to preserve and encourage freedom, Tell remains alive.
May 11 to October 20, 2024
Tuesday to Sunday open
closed on Monday
(except Whit Monday)
Please note: Sunday, 9 June 2024 the museum is closed due to the event ‘Tell en miniature’.
May and June
10:00 to 11:30 a.m.
13:30 to 5:00 p.m.
July and August
10:00 to 5:00 p.m.
September and October
10:00 to 11:30 a.m.
13:30 to 5:00 p.m.
November through April
Groups of 10 or more welcome on request.
Tell-Museum Bürglen
6463 Bürglen UR
Hospitality, media and tours
T +41 41 870 41 55
In order to be able to keep our museum open and to preserve our extensive collection, we need your support. Members of the Tell-Museumsgesellschaft Uri (Uri Tell-Museum Society) enjoy free access to the museum.
Our heartfelt thanks!
If you have any questions about donations, or if you are interested in obtaining objects on loan, feel free to contact our curator. He will gladly answer your query.
Thank you.
Albert Koechlin Stiftung
Gemeinde Bürglen
Kanton Uri
Otto Gamma Stiftung
Patenschaft Berggemeinden
Dätwyler Stiftung
Ernst Göhner Stiftung
Gemeinde Altdorf
Gemeinde Uitikon
der Mobiliar
Kanton Schwyz
Kanton Appenzell
Korporation Uri
Pro Helvetia
Pro Patria
Raiffeisen Schweiz
Sophie und Karl
Binding Stiftung
Ulrico Hoepli-Stiftung
Victorinox AG
Elektrizitätswerk Altdorf AG
Fenster Nauer AG
Kanton Zug
Raiffeisen Schächental
Gönnerinnen und Gönner
Gönnerinnen und Gönner
Arnold Hermann und Rosmarie, Bürglen
Arnold Reklamen AG, Altdorf
Arnold Tiefbau, Bürglen
Büro für Text, Altdorf
Bissig AG, Schattdorf
Clima Nova AG, Schattdorf
Crisovan Fabienne und Gisler Thomas, Bürglen
Christen Automobile AG, Schattdorf
Furrer Martin, Schattdorf
F. Kempf AG Gipser und Stukkatur, Altdorf
Fredy Arnold GmbH, Bürglen
Gamma AG Bau, Schattdorf
Gebrüder Gisler Schattdorf GmbH
Gemeinde Andermatt
Gemeinde Erstfeld
Gemeinde Flüelen
Gemeinde Göschenen
Gemeinde Seedorf
Gemeinde Seelisberg
Gemeinde Spiringen
Gemeinde Unterschächen
Gemeinde Wassen
Gisler Gottfried, Schreinerei, Bürglen
Gotthard Raststätte A2 Uri AG, Schattdorf
Herger Imholz AG, Altdorf
Hotel Burg AG, Attinghausen
HTS Architekten, Altdorf
Imholz Sport AG, Bürglen
Kanton Obwalden
Kanton Nidwalden
Markus Oetli-Stiftung
Markus Enz AG, Altdorf
Malergeschäft R. & M. Schuler GmbH, Bürglen
Marty AG, Altdorf
Schuler Gerüst GmbH, Schattdorf
Putz-Team GmbH, Bürglen
Stiftung zur Erhaltung schweizerischen Kulturguts
Stöckli AG, Stans
Steiner Schlosserei AG, Schattdorf
Studio Arte Flückiger AG, Zürich
Swiss Light GmbH, Altdorf
Telcom AG, Stansstad
Tell’s story remains a mystery. And yet he is still omnipresent. Was he a hero, a rebel, a terrorist, a murderer? What has turned him into this all-purpose brand? One thing is for certain: He remains fascinating.
Adults CHF 9.00
Students CHF 7.00
Childern CHF 4.00
«Gästekarte» CHF 7.00
Families CHF 16.00
Groups of 10 Peoples CHF 7.00
Groups of childern CHF 4.00
Raiffeisen Member Plus
CHF 180.00